Spring Creating Together as a Family
Transform your family time into creative exploration this spring break with a simple yet engaging art project that celebrates spring weather. As you begin, take a moment to observe the weather together - what do you notice outside your window?
"Spring Weather Scene" - 10 Minute Family Art Project Materials:
White paper
White crayon or oil pastel
Watercolors (or food coloring + water)
Paper towel

Before Starting, Observe Together:
What is the weather like in spring?
Sunny Day Signs: Bright flowers blooming, strong shadows, butterflies, birds
Rainy Day Signs: Water droplets on windows, puddles, umbrella weather, gray skies
Windy Day Signs: Swaying trees, floating leaves, dancing flower stems, waving flags
As you are spring creating discuss the four seasons and changes that you see.

Steps to Spring Creating:
Choose your weather and draw its signs with white crayon (press firmly!)
Add details: flowers and birds; droplets and puddles; tilted trees and floating leaves
Select paint colors: Sunny - yellow/orange; Rainy - blue/gray; Windy - green/purple
Paint over entire paper to reveal your hidden weather scene
Blot excess water and display your weather art!
Upcoming 2025 Spring Events at HoppArt:
Photography Camp Wednesday, March 12th, 9am-12pm, $70
Young at Art Club, Friday, March 14th, 10:45am -1:30pm, Drop- in $65
Poses & Paintbrushes: Yoga & Art for Kids, Friday, April 11th 1:30pm, $45